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what’s maglev air-conditioning technology? what’s the secret of this “world’s leading” technology?

mechanical bearings are essential components for traditional refrigeration compressors and require oil systems to ensure normal operation. but the oil systems can lead to many undesirable issues:

1. friction loss of mechanical bearings;

2. oil may enter heat exchanger in the refrigerant cycle and form oil film on the surface of heat exchanger and reduce heat transfer efficiency.

3. if there is too much oil in the refrigerant system, cooling efficiency will be reduced greatly.

4. 90% compressor burnouts are caused by lubrication failure.

in conclusion, traditional refrigeration compressors provide limited energy efficiency, loud noise, high starting current and maintenance costs.given these unsatisfactory features, some people made assumption that if the rotor could be suspended without any mechanical contact, oil system would be totally unnecessary and energy efficiency of compressors would be higher. so maglev compressors came into being, bringing closure to the oil system issues.

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